Saturday, April 26, 2008

Earth Day Celebration

Now a days people are not aware that what they do might affect the natural cycle of nature. The technology we are using today as we not know it is affecting the natural cycle or balance of nature. By using your vehicle the emissions that come out of the car is harmful and can cause green house effect, you might not know it but this acts like a boomerang to us, cause the more smoke that the cars produce the hotter it becomes.

Its our own fault why this planet is dying so we the people of this planet is responsible and we must do something to save our home planet. In our own ways we can prevent this from happening. So its up to us to save the planet before it happens.

Here are some ways that you can do to save mother earth:

1. Don't use electricity for no apparent reasons.
2. Try making art out of the thrash.
3. Don't use your car try walking if your going to a store
4. Don't burn you trash.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

An Evaluation of the Corporate Identity of Nintendo

At this day and age, the people are into electronic games, and one of the leading electronic gaming manufacturer is Nintendo. The Nintendo Company Limited was founded by FusajiroYamauchi and it was founded on September 23, 1889 in Kyoto, Japan. The Nintendo Company Limited was originally named Nintendo Playing Card Company Limited then Yamauchi changed it to Nintendo Company Limited. The Nintendo Company logo is as you can see colored red which means happiness and joy, and the color of the company logo is also the color of the company's official and popular mascot Mario. The Nintendo Company started as a gaming card company and during the time between 1963 and 1968, the company set up a taxi company, a "love hotel" chain, a TV network, a food company, and several other things. But unfortunately all of these did not work out well except for making toys. Then after the Tokyo Olympics the Nintendo company was in a lot of debt, they tried to save the company by selling toys. In the year 1970 Yamauchi was observing the Nintendo hanafuda (are playing cards of Japanese origin, used to play a number of games. The name literally translates as 'flower cards'.) factory when he saw an extending arm which was made by one of his employees named Gunpei Yokoi. After seeing it Yamauchi told Yokoi to mass produce his invention and called it the Ultra Hand and it was a big hit and it saved as a turning point for the Nintendo Company.

The Nintendo Company started making electronic toys in the year 1978 and their first game was called Computer Othello and in the following years they made other games like the famous Donkey Kong and Radar Scope and during this time was when the world famous Super Mario game was created. Then, later in the year 1985 the made the gaming console called the Nintendo Entertainment System or also called as NES, and they also created the highly popular hand held game called the Game Boy .


Nintendo Company Ltd

New Ventures

Electronic Era