Saturday, April 26, 2008

Earth Day Celebration

Now a days people are not aware that what they do might affect the natural cycle of nature. The technology we are using today as we not know it is affecting the natural cycle or balance of nature. By using your vehicle the emissions that come out of the car is harmful and can cause green house effect, you might not know it but this acts like a boomerang to us, cause the more smoke that the cars produce the hotter it becomes.

Its our own fault why this planet is dying so we the people of this planet is responsible and we must do something to save our home planet. In our own ways we can prevent this from happening. So its up to us to save the planet before it happens.

Here are some ways that you can do to save mother earth:

1. Don't use electricity for no apparent reasons.
2. Try making art out of the thrash.
3. Don't use your car try walking if your going to a store
4. Don't burn you trash.

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